We Go Together Wheel Card….a DIY interactive

Having just recently gotten back into the card game, I find myself without very many dies. Building my library slowly, sure (too slow if you ask me…too fast if you ask my husband), but I find myself with not a lot of options for interactive cards.
And that’s why I love it when card makers share their DIY ideas. So I’m sharing one of my DIY ideas here–a way to make an interactive card with no fancy dies. I mean I do use a die for the circle but technically you could just trace one and cut it out by hand!
This is a pretty easy card to work on, but I’d suggest making a couple out of your scrap cardstock…just to test the mechanism and placement of elements.
If you watch the video below, you’ll get to see how I made it. Bonus, you’ll also get to see a cool trick on dividing a paper circle into thirds! I was so psyched when I learned this. Super easy!